Who I Am
"I am called to serve the Lord with gladness, in order that I may enter into His presence with thanksgiving in my heart."
In celebrating Black History Month, we honor the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and all who labored tirelessly for the rights of others. We affirm that the identity of each and every individual is grounded in the love of God.
I Am
a creature made by God Himself. A member of the human race, and therefore dissimilar from all other creatures who walk the earth. I am a person. As a person I have within me “God’s character,” which I must do my best to follow if I am to live my life in the way God intended when He created me.
I Am
God’s offspring. He is my affectionate Father, who gave me His Word to guide me through this life. I can make decisions, indeed I have to make them, because God gave me spiritual freedom. I am therefore a responsible person. God will not force me to be obedient, but His unconditional love makes me want to obey Him.
I Am
one for whom Jesus gave His life on the cross. God has come to me through His Son to life me up and make me able to live as a child of the King. I can succeed in this as long as I learn to love Him with all my heart, and His children, as He loves me.
I Am
a member of the family of Christ. I belong to the fellowship of believers, where I can receive power to carry on Christ’s work here on earth.
I Am
called to serve the Lord with gladness, in order that I may enter into His presence with thanksgiving in my heart.