“Praise the Lord, for the Lord God Almighty (Gr. Pantocrator) reigns.” Rev. 21:22
Protocol – “how one acts in a given situation”
(A short theology of Pandemics and the Pantocrator)
The Problem – our protocol
Virus source: Place | Source of sin: Garden
Breathing | Turning our face from His breath
Eating | Eating forbidden fruit
Infection | Transmissibility of original sin, recognizes no boundaries, indiscriminate attacks invisible enemy
Explosion of Virus | Inability to stop sin and its effects
Pandemic | Universal sin, not sure how transmitted, close proximity is foundational
The Solution – His protocol
Whistle-blower | Word of God/prophets
Fear | He understands, meets all our fears
Second Wave | Volitional sin, constant rebellion
Human response | Heart of God’s love
Shelter-in-Place | Left His Throne
Lockdown | He runs into the chaos
Hope in helplessness | He is our Hope
Looking for cure: scientists, leaders | His Wisdom, our Shepherd
Works “we will prevail” “triumph” “stronger” “our resilience”
| His grace, self-emptying life
Herd Immunity | Personal engagement, no other Savior (divine and human)
Face Masks | Unmasked, He fully turns to our need, not afraid of contamination
No Touching | ‘touched with the feelings of our weaknesses’
Handwashing | He always points to the deeper need (clean hands and pure heart)
Quarantined | Incarnation, took on our virus offering His antibodies
Mitigation | Total healing – body and soul
Tested Negative | Sinlessness
Tested Positive | Love which assumes all my sin
Death possible | Death required – He volitionally enters, puts His un-gloved hands on, surrenders Himself
Health Care | Redeemer: Headed into harm’s way
Ventilation | Full of the life-giving Holy Spirit
Tests | Temptations
Virus and cells | His meeting evil (perversion) with the Life of God
Blood | Blood of Christ with immunities
Sanitization | Cross and making clean, holy
Self-isolation | Death Grave, and Hell
Cure | Resurrection, cure for all outward and inward sin
Restoration | Full Recovery, Antibodies
Unfailing Vaccine | Risen Life
Release to Life | Victorious Life/Breath of the Holy Spirit
Holiness | ‘New’ normal – Careful re-entry into “normal” life
End of Viruses | Universal Redemption, (Pantocrator) Lordship of Christ, New Heaven and New Earth
I am a master at missing You, Jesus. Let me truly see You, Almighty Savior. Amen.