Finding Fun!
“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” - Dr. Seuss
A few months ago, I learned that a favorite podcaster was coming to my city. I was so excited. However, I hesitated on buying the tickets. To do something purely for myself was a foreign concept. This was not for the kids or even a date night. It wasn’t furthering family time or an especially educational experience. It seemed like there were probably better uses for the money. Thankfully, I have a husband who knows me and knew this was exactly what I needed. I bought the ticket, invited a friend, had amazing Thai food, went to the live podcast, and laughed and smiled until my face hurt.
As we were walking back to the car at the end of the evening, I wondered why this felt so good. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how long it had been since I had done something fun just for me. Normally, life is centered around others. The activities I choose are based around what our kids will enjoy, or what my husband might find fun. The plans I make are full of snack breaks and detailed timelines to keep everyone in a good mood. Even my work is centered around helping others through the ministry of The Salvation Army.
Fun is important. It’s an important part of self-care. We’re better equipped to love and serve others when we’ve taken good care of ourselves. It’s important for our relationship to God and our understanding of Him. God delights in us. We should find things to delight in too! Life can be hard, challenging, even demoralizing at times. It’s easy to find excuses for staying busy and ignoring the need for relaxation. But our excuses may be the exact reasons for why fun is so important. Sometimes we need to push a hole through the clouds to remember that the sun is still shining on the other side. Let’s be intentional about making time for some fun not the exception, but an essential part of our daily lives.
Finding Joy:
God has made each of us uniquely with hobbies, humor, and a personality specific to us. He’s also gifted us with a unique sense of fun. Dive into that. Discover the fun God has in store for you.
Instead of a typical New Year’s resolution, make a commitment to do something fun for yourself once a week and share it with an accountability partner.
Supporting Scripture:
So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 8:15
God has made each of us uniquely with hobbies, humor, and a personality specific to us. He’s also gifted us with a unique sense of fun. Dive into that. Discover the fun God has in store for you.