"Fasting reminds us that we care about 'soul' things." – Adele Calhoun
Fasting is an old word and today is more used in diet culture or in very specific faith denominations. Often it can come across as no longer relevant. In truth, fasting is simply a practice of self-denial. We deny ourselves of something so that we better realize our dependence on God. It is a beautiful practice that reminds us of just how much we need the Lord. By fasting, we remove the comfort idols that we turn to in moments of want. We place God on the throne again and seek Him to fulfill all our needs.
While Lent is a common season for fasting, it can be done at any time. In the Old Testament, fasting was typically used during times of mourning, repentance, or with pleas of inter- cession. In the New Testament, fasting happened when seeking God’s will or strength or grace. All of these are still excellent times to fast today. However, we don’t need to wait for the right season to fast. Any time can be the right time. In fasting, we clear the way to draw closer to the Lord. We remove comforts and replace them with the Lord. Consider the new things the Lord might show you if would only clear the way to draw near to Him.
Going Deeper
Consider what you might fast from. Common items are food, caffeine, television, social media, shopping and chocolate.
In removing an item from your life, how will you replace it with more of God? Here are a few examples:
- If removing food, each time your stomach rumbles, thank God for providing the Bread of Life.
- If removing television, spend the time that would have been spent watching TV with Bible study or prayer instead.
- If removing caffeine, shopping, or something else, take the money you would have spent on those items and instead donate it to the church or a local non-profit. Use the time and monies to do something good for a neighbor.
Steps to Salvation
The Bible states that God loves you and cares for you as a person (John 3:16). Humankind has been separated from God by sin (Romans 3:23). God sent His Son as a provision for our salvation through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection from the dead (Romans 5:8). Doing good deeds is not enough (Ephesians 2:8-9), but receiving the free gift of salvation is (John 1:12).
You can invite Jesus Christ into your life right now by praying something like the following:
Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I need Your forgiveness and grace. I believe that Christ paid the penalty for my sin, and He died in my place, and He rose from the dead. I invite Jesus Christ to come into my life as Savior. Thank You for saving me from my sin and making me Your child. Help me to grow and learn how to serve You. Amen.